Sunday School
Children between Kindergarten and 5th grade meet for Bible study, crafts, refreshments and fellowship during the end of worship service, They leave worship after the sermon and parents pick them up after fellowship (about 11:30am). The lessons are stimulating and engaging, helping youngsters develop knowledge of the Bible, personal spiritual depth and community with each other.
GMPC provides opportunities for young people in middle school through high school to plan and lead worship services as well as to participate in mission trips geared to community service and individual spiritual growth. Young people in this age bracket are also eligible for confirmation into the Presbyterian Church and membership in Green Mountain Presbyterian Church. Confirmation classes are typically held every two to three years depending on class size.
A deacon’s role is one of compassion, witness, and service to the church family of Green Mountain Presbyterian (members, visitors and guests). Deacons are assigned to members of the congregation and maintain contact with their parish members on a frequent basis. They assist the pastors in delivering communion to members of their parish, prepare Thanksgiving baskets for the homebound as well as hosting memorial services for members of the congregation. On an annual basis they host a luncheon for the entire congregation.
Small Groups
Prior to Lent (Easter) and Advent (Christmas), small groups meet for a 4-6 week Bible study related to the season. Various meeting days and times are offered, and attendees sign up for the class they want. Pastor Gretchen ties her sermons to the studies to make them a cohesive experience for the whole congregation.
Stephen Ministers
Stephen Ministry is a program of confidential one-to-one lay caring ministry to parishioners experiencing life difficulties (loss, divorce, loneliness, illness). Stephen ministers receive fifty hours of training in Christian caregiving and meet monthly for peer professional support and continuing education. The ministry of the Stephen Ministers has been a blessing to individuals, to the lay ministers themselves, and to the whole congregation.
Presbyterian Women Circles
Two Presbyterian Women Study groups operate at GMPC, and all women are welcome:
Charity Circle meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month September through June at 10:00am to study the current Horizons course.
Hope Circle meets on the First Monday of each month September through May at noon to study a new book each year.